Tuesday 10 October 2017

JUST IN: Tunisia's Health Minister Dies of Cardiac Arrest After Charity Race

Tunisia's Health Minister Dies of Cardiac Arrest After Charity Race

Tunisia's Minister of Health, Mr. Slim Chaker died of a heart attack on Sunday, 8th October 2017 after taking part in a charity marathon to help battle cancer.

Mr. Chaker, 56, fell ill after running some 500 metres and then making a speech at the start of a race in the coastal town of Nabeul, aimed at raising funds to build a clinic for children with cancer, his ministry disclosed.

He died later at a military hospital in Tunis.

"I have lost a brother and a colleague," the Tunisian Prime Minister, Mr. Youssef Chahed lamented on his Facebook page. "He died doing a noble humanitarian act."

Local media and internet users reacted with sorrow to the passing away of Mr. Chaker, a former Adviser to President Beji Caid Essebsi who only took over the health portfolio barely last month being September.

"He has paid in blood for his patriotic work," Tunisian magazine Leader opined on his Twitter handle.

Scripted by: Rostrum

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