Tuesday 29 August 2017

OPINION I Today Is Int'l Day Against Nuclear Tests


By Fred Doc Nwaozor

The last time I checked, August 29 annually remained the International Day Against Nuclear Tests. This implies that today being Tuesday, Nigeria joins the global community in commemorating the 2017 edition of the said day.

The International Day Against Nuclear Tests is aimed towards capturing global attention and underscore the need for a unified attempt in preventing further nuclear weapons’ testing through educational events and messages.
On 2nd December 2009, the 64th session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly declared August 29 of every year as the International Day Against Nuclear Tests. The resolution calls for increasing awareness and education on the effects of nuclear weapon test explosions, among other related explosions, and the need for their cessation as one of the means of achieving the goal of witnessing a nuclear-weapon-free world.
The resolution was initiated by the Republic of Kazakhstan, coupled with a large number of sponsors and co-sponsors with a view to commemorating the closure of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test site, which had caused an enormous and indelible problem to mankind.
This remarkable and laudable day is meant to sensitize the UN Member States alongside inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, youth networks and the media on the need to inform, educate as well as advocate the necessity of banning nuclear weapon tests as a valuable step towards achieving a safer global society.
The inaugural commemoration of the day was marked in the year 2010, thus this year’s commemoration represents the 8th edition of the worthwhile crusade. Ab initio, each year, the day has been observed by coordinating various activities throughout the world, such as conferences, exhibitions, competitions, workshops, seminars, publication of periodicals cum journals, media broadcasts, and what have you.
Several bilateral and multilateral governmental level developments coupled with broad movements of various civil societies and personal efforts of the UN Secretary-General have helped tremendously to facilitate the ongoing cause regarding banning of nuclear tests worldwide. We are equally required to put in our respective efforts toward sensitizing the people within us, particularly the youth, on the dangers inherent in making use of any form of nuclear weapon for any purpose whatsoever.
In May 2010, all the parties involved in the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons committed themselves towards achieving the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons and other related instruments. In his candid speech, the immediate past UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon stated with great clarity that, ‘A world free of nuclear weapons would be a global public good of the highest order.’
This event as well as other related events or actions has fostered a global society with more optimistic prospects towards a world free of nuclear weapons. The event has enabled mankind to witness various visible signs of progress in respect to ending this global menace, though challenges remain inevitable in various fields of human endeavour. 
Hence, we must all, individually or collectively, contribute our various quotas in tackling the challenges by ensuring that people around us are duly educated on the demerit of bad influence and uncalled environments since it has been proven beyond doubts that ‘Environment determines the action of the mind’ as was asserted by the late philosopher, Karl Marx.
It’s the hope of the UN that one day all nuclear weapons would be totally eliminated from the entire world. In view of this anticipation, there’s a compelling need for Nigeria at large to observe this day with all manner of sincerity as we work towards promoting peace and security all over the world. It’s needless to reiterate that humanity in its entirety prays vehemently for a trouble-free society or atmosphere; suffice it to say that every sane person strongly detests imagining the emergence of war or any war-related activity.
So, as the world commemorates the International Day Against Nuclear Tests, there’s need for every rational and peace-loving individual to support the remarkable movement that’s aimed toward initiating a holistic trouble-free atmosphere, thereby discouraging the occurrence of war or crisis of any kind. And, this support is mostly needed from countries such as Nigeria, Syria, Pakistan, Iraq, Israel, Palestine, Iran, and Ukraine, just to mention but a few, that are presently savaged by colossal security challenges.
To this end, I call on the legislators to pass a strict and grievous law that would ensure that anyone caught as well as found guilty of this inhuman act is thoroughly penalized. On its part, the executive arm is equally expected to safeguard the proposed law by setting up a formidable corrupt-free monitoring agency that would serve as an eye of the government toward its sustenance.
It’s worthy of note that a decisive and candid approach by the Nigerian government regarding the promotion of this annual global occasion would go a long way to eradicate the lingering barbaric actions of the Boko Haram sect, Niger Delta Avengers, and other terrorist cum insurgent groups that are presently on the rampage across the country.
The religious bodies, various schools and the mass media, among other relevant civil-society groups, can equally assist in promoting the ongoing cause by organizing seminars, workshops, street awareness, conventions, conferences, and so on that would sensitize the general public on the dangers of any form of crisis or the use of any war explosive.
Thus, we are all bound to preach peach at all cost with a view to embracing that society which we all yearn for. ‘A stitch in time saves nine’; needless to say that the time to act is now. Think about it!
Comrade Nwaozor, a public affairs analyst & civil
rights activist, is Executive Director, Docfred
Resource Hub (DRH) Owerri. 

Edited by: Rostrum 

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