Wednesday 20 September 2017

MIND BLOWING: Fred Nwaozor Addresses Nigerians On Value System

Fred Nwaozor Addresses Nigerians on Value System
---- Read The Full Speech Here

The famous Nigerian writer, activist, researcher and blogger, Comrade Fred Doc Nwaozor popularly known as 'The Media Ambassador' has addressed Nigerians, both home and in the Diaspora, on the increasing decline of value system in the entire Nigerian society.

In a mind-blowing and thought-provoking message tagged "Awakening Nigeria's value system", the voracious analyst and inspirational speaker who spoke from his Owerri residence on Tuesday, 20th September, 2017 in the early hours of the day, enjoined teeming Nigerians to go back to the drawing board towards reviewing the value system in their respective jurisdictions. Find the full speech below:

"Fellow Nigerians,


"As I tender this epistle in my state of solitude and in a true sober state, I wish to urge us to take a critical look at the hashtag above. It would be better we digest the content for the umpteenth time. I thought it wise to overlook my sense of vocabulary, so that, every dick and harry, even a 'dummy', can fathom this wisdom tablet.

"The last time I painstakingly checked, countless things had really derailed in the Nigeria's contemporary polity, particularly in the area of #ValueSystem. I initially chose to remain quiet, thinking that maintaining tranquility was the best method towards restoring normalcy, not until I realized the pace at which things were getting worse as the days unfold.

"Virtually every thing has obviously gone wrongly in various quarters; in our families, communities, churches, mosques, schools, name them. Before now, each of the fundamental aforementioned institutions had respective roles they played in various fields of human endeavour to include child upbringing, counselling, social affiliation, institutional learning, promotion of faith, nation building, and so on. Pathetically, currently, merely nothing is being done by these specially created societies, thereby ravaging the country's #ValueSystem in its entirety.

"The parents no longer sacrifice reasonable time for their wards. Guidance & Counselling, that used to be treated as priority in our schools, has been relegated to the background. The religious custodians hardly preach salvation nowadays, which is totally contrary to their calling. Community leaders are not left out when discussing the derailment. It's apparent that our #ValueSystem has gone to bed unannounced, thus must be awakened headlong before the deplorable situation gets out of hand.

"Nigeria is now fast becoming synonymous with social ills. In my church, Catholic precisely, a prayer for 'Nigeria in distress' is being said among the congregants for decades now. I grew up to join the chorus; It suffices to say that the prayer has been existing since I was born, or perhaps prior to my existence if I'm not mistaken. Hence, I keep wondering if Nigeria would remain in distress unabated. The religious devotion is already apparently overriding the country's national anthem, which implies that the distress in question is getting out of hand.

"What is more baffling as regards the pitiable situation is that most parents, probably vulnerable ones, claim ignorance of their wards' daily dirty lifestyles. For instance, those whom their children are ostensibly progressive and keep showering with 'tainted' love, wouldn't hesitate to tell you when asked, that their son is doing very well in his business even when they are unsure.

"The type occurring in the education sector is unspeakable, to assert the least. Our young ones, now, no longer sit for their examinations without concealing microchips in their private parts, or the assistance of mercenary, as the case may be. In most secondary schools across the federation, mainly privately owned ones, questions from external examiners like WAEC, NECO, NABTEB, or what have you, are not anymore attended to by the candidates they are meant for, rather the teachers of the affected schools.

"In some quarters where the schools do not want the practice to appear obvious or intend to apply a little decency, they would turn the examination format to teacher-student cooperation whereby the candidate would be apparently seated on the exam desk while his/her tutor would be functioning like a standby generator. Funnily enough, this disgusting melodrama does not take place without the approval of the exam’s supervisor; needless to reiterate that it’s a two-way thing. Sure, things are no longer at ease.

"Our universities now parade themselves with countless ‘First Class’ products as if Nigeria has more good brains presently than before. Of course, it isn’t longer news that a primary school-leaver during the days of my father can compete confidently, or even supersede, most present days’ university graduates. Besides, during my university days, I was told by an astute teacher that no department in any Nigerian institution has the capacity to produce first class graduates.

"According to the professor, it wasn’t that the country didn’t have good brains but considering that its universities lacked the required facilities, it could not boast of first class products that could compete favourably with the world. I personally concurred, but recently I came to realize that Nigerian universities were producing first class materials in accordance with the available facilities and manpower, and not products that could fit in anywhere beyond the country. Even at that, are they supposed to be making it seem as if they are competing among themselves with regard to the number of first class graduates to be produced per session?

"We would relentlessly lament that our politicians are densely corrupt, not knowing that the level of corruption among the followers is overwhelming. Even household corruption has abruptly overridden the ones found in the wider society. Go to the market places, and you would observe countless antics transpiring on a daily basis; it’s a place where a seller wouldn’t mind using his/her customer for ritual, and albeit ignorantly, the latter would yet presume he/she is being pampered. An average seller would consistently cheats his customer, still, addresses him as his loved one. We keep discussing graft, forgetting that the prevalence of corruption by non-public servants is fast dominating the system.

"I weep because greater percentage of the stakeholders across the federation don't even care about the present physiognomy of the nation's #ValueSystem. I weep because those who are meant to lead this noble cause are deeply marred by apathy. I weep because the so called Leaders-of-Tomorrow are ostensibly drowned by the limitless blue sea.

"This implies that, first, we need to awaken some individuals and/or groups. It's pertinent to acknowledge that two factors are at stake here, which are: culture and education. To this end, #AwakeningNigeria'sValueSystem can see the light of the day if we awaken our cultural and educational values.

"Please endeavour to share this epistle with your friends, relatives, fans, and colleagues, among others, to enable all concerned contribute their quota toward the success of this crusade.

"Before I take a break, I wish to ask; do you know without you, there won't be Nigeria? If you do, then why are you allowing our #ValueSystem to go into extinction? #ThinkAboutIt

Reported by: Rostrum

Contact:- +2348028608056,  

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